
I'm doing what I think I ought with resources that are fewer than naught.


I went on vacation over the fourth of July, and I had a ball. I traveled with a couple friends from under-grad who I love dearly, and we not only caught up on old times and where we are now, but we also experienced new things and explored a city (Austin, TX) that I can now say is one of my favorites.

However, I’ve now hit a wall.

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international mindset. 

Note: Please forgive the tardiness of this post, as it was meant for August 2016.

Do music artists ever know the name of a song before it’s written?

I knew what I wanted the title of this blog post to be before I crafted the first sentence. My life has recently been immersed (much more than usual) in the awareness of different cultures, that I couldn’t possibly overlook the effects on my mindset.

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not perfect.

I don’t really listen to podcasts, though the episodes I have tuned into have been pretty okay. I feel the same way about TV. I just can’t seem to find anything that truly pulls me in, not regularly or often anyways.

However, I was listening to the podcast Millennial the other day, and I heard something interesting. The podcast (at least the first 6 episodes or so) are about being a young adult with a college degree, no plan, and a lot a nerves about the decisions you’re making.

Basically it sums up my current state of mind. So that’s cool.

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Not a thing.

This. Is. Not. A. Thing.

I have to tell myself this each and every time your name lights up my phone. Each and every time.

I promise it’s not because you matter a great deal to me. It’s not because I want you to ask me to be your girlfriend. It has absolutely nothing to do with YOU.

It’s me.

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Remember how I moved?

If not, you’re really behind on my life, come on, what have you even been doing? Keep up!

Anywho, I moved this year. I got a new job and made the leap to a different place and comfort zone if I’m being honest.

This all stemmed from a fear of being stagnant. I woke up on New Year’s Day 2016, and realized that I hadn’t really made any forward motion in the past year.

And it scared me.

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